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May 11, 20193 min read
Lurking within is the Holy Urge
Parshat Toldot 1 F WE COULD X-RAY OUR HEARTS — NOT THE fist-sized muscle, but the pulsating center from which our dreams and desires...
May 11, 20193 min read
Parshat Shmot SOMETIMES, THINGS GET WORSE before they get better. Sometimes, things get worse even as they are getting better— as...
May 11, 20193 min read
War Damage
Parshat Naso Who fought the first religious war? The answer, according to Genesis, is Cain and Abel: "Cain brought an offering to the...
May 11, 20194 min read
Parshat Vayetze Jacob, escaping his murderously angry brother, more or less stumbles unto "the gates of heaven," described laconically in...
May 6, 20197 min read
Power to the People
Torah' for Israel's Jubilee May 1998 (first published Jerusalem Report) For 50 years, Israelis have allowed the state to shape their...
Apr 29, 20194 min read
Jewish Intimacy: Nitzavim VaYelech
Losing God and Finding Him is Part of What it Means to be a Jew GOOD NEWS: WE ARE NOT THE FIRST generation to be fraught with alarm over...
Apr 4, 20191 min read
parshat hashavua
this is about the Torah portion of the week So here will be all kinds of writings from the Torah portion of the week.

May 10, 20207 min read
Freedom, climate change and the Pandemic
“Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” So begins Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s book “The Social Contract.” I’ve been thinking...
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Micha Zvi Odenheimer
Dec 19, 20195 min read
Language, Prayer, Compassion, Interpretation
Happy Chanuka! What follows are some words of Torah that I offered on Saturday night in honor of the 25th anniversary of the passing of...
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